Thursday, September 27, 2007

Todays Review: Toy Division(Adults Only)

This is my first adults only comic review, so I'm a bit excited. Wait. Not "excited" excited. Excited about doing a review of a comic geared specifically towards adults. Nevermind. Okay, Toy Division, by Mimo, is a series of sexually and violence charged one-off strips with morally challenged characters named things like Snowball, Pepsi Von Hellswine, and Bunty. There is a reason it's adults only people. Updates come..well, like Mimo says, are erratic.

The art struck me as a mix of Chibi-porn and World War 2 propaganda posters on Ecstasy. That is to say, I enjoyed it very much. I'm not sure about the sexed up drawings of the characters though. I found seeing a Chibi-like Snowball wearing a dildo a tad disconcerting. After a while though I got used to the butt shots and sexual violence on display. On the color side of things, I liked the subtlety of it all. It was gentle on the eyes and, dare I say, pretty. Mimo has an eye for design and half of these strips would look great on a tshirt. I'm surprised she doesn't have a store up with tshirts, stickers, etc. I bet they would sell like fur covered handcuffs at the Playboy store. Another thing I enjoyed was the mini flash games, a pleasant little diversion before going on to the next comic. Not much wrong here except that a lot of the "comics" were just one panel with a character posing and nothing else. More comic please!

With a good portion of the comics up being one panel poster-like shots, the writing seems to be on the backburner quite a bit of the time. I don't feel like I really got to know the characters much past the fact that they all seem to have gay tendencies and like sex and violence. A LOT. I understand that it's geared completely toward adults, but not all adults are evil. I would like to see a little compassion, or at least more characterization that doesn't rely on sexual urges or inflicting pain. At times it almost reads like a crazy nazi soap opera, but with less story. Maybe a storyline or two to explain why these characters act the way they do? The cast page does help, but it's not finished yet and still won't continue their development. On the plus side it does have a demented charm and is pretty funny when it needs to be. I have no idea how Mimo came up with the idea for this comic. Maybe an "about the author" page? That would be interesting to read...

Toy Division is an original themed comic with a perverted charm that would be even better with a few short storylines to fill in the characterization gaps and backstories of Pepsi, Snowball, and the like. Wonderful frame-worthy art and devilish writing made the experience a good one for me, but with too many one-panel comics I got a bit tired by the end. I do recommend you try it out though. You may find yourself EXPLODING with joy that you found it, or ERECTING the idea that it's not your cup of vodka. Eh, sexual inuendo. I tried.

I give Toy Division...
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1 comment:

Viagra Online said...

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