Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Todays Review: BetaPwned...

BetaPwned, a comic created by Tanya Higgins, involves relationship and all sorts of life issues at a pretty personal level, all wrapped in a nice warm tortilla of comedy. Analogies are not my strong point. I also have to mention it's not for kids, as the writing involves adult humor. Updates come in a single panel Mondays only version, and a full page Friday comic. Now to the review.

The art in Pwned has this flat primary color look to it, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think some good shading would give a sense of realism, but that's probably not the look Tanya is going for. It's all very simple and skimps on the details, such as stress lines in the face, wrinkles in clothing, etc., but no one ever said those things are necessities in a comic. We have enough wrinkles in real life, don't we? Comics are a fictionalized take on reality anyway. When we need em, there are backgrounds and set pieces to establish when they are out at a bar or somewhere that the setting is relevant to what's going on in the scene. A couple of things that need some work: The blank stares of the characters made me want to reach for a bottle of Visine to moisten there poor eyes at times. A little more wide-eyed than I'm used to. Also the hands, oh God(or Gods, as she says)the hands. We take our ability to hold a can of Coke for granted people. Imagine the struggle for these poor people. In all seriousness, the hands could be a bit bigger with a little more palm. We all have things we need to work on, and at least she's trying, which I give the artist credit for.

I'm impressed by Tanya Higgins ability, or willingness, to let out all of her frustrations and struggles onto the written page. The comic reads like an illustrated
blog, and that's meant as a compliment. BetaPwned feels real because it is real. It's refreshing to see some reality and a humorous look into someones not so perfect life. It CAN be wordy though. A LOT wordy. Patience is a virtue a lot of people don't have, no matter how interesting the subject matter. At first the writing had this smart, informed, satirical style that made me am feeling stoopid. But after a while it toned down the holier than thou feel, as if she were trying to weed out the people that wouldn't get the comic. It now falls into a more comfortable position with a more balanced humor and smarts style. I do wonder just how many jokes one can get from an autistic child though. I felt a little uncomfy after the first few. I guess it's okay if not entirely played for jokes. Being informed is a good thing!

I liked BetaPwned for it's sharp writing and the reality of it. I haven't read many comics that are as personal as this one, and I doubt I will. Tanya Higgins lays it all out there for the world to see, and I applaud her for it. She's saying here I am world, take me, laugh WITH me, and let's see where this goes. This is one person who will be on that trip with her. Maybe you should too.

I give BetaPwned...
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(For great personal writing and overall enjoyability factor)

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