Sunday, April 22, 2007

Land of Nodd...

Land of Nodd, by Matt Newton, is a gag strip for those of you out there who aren't exactly politically correct, or if you just have bad taste. It does have one or two characters who make repeat appearances, such as Satan and a ghost, but mainly relies on one-shot jokes such as the ghost trying to possess a cow and then ending up a piece of steak. The site didn't say when the comic updates.

The artwork is simple with a lack of extra detail, but this sort of art style doesn't call for it. I do feel substituting backgrounds with a couple of different colors isn't a good idea, unless you're short on time and trying to keep your comic updated regularly. I like the style here and would like to see some nice colorful backgrounds to give us a better idea of where they are. Also the little balls instead of hands just looks weird. I will say that good use of coloring can only help a comic look more professional and that's what it does here.

A tasteless gag comic needs it's tasteless gags to be successful, and Land of Nodd has an equal amount of them that made me go "heh" and "hmph". That's not to say that there weren't good ones. I especially got a kick out of the "Me want Honeycomb!" strip. Let me just say that if you're easily offended you might not want to read this comic as there is lot's of death and crude humor to go around. It's not as offensive as, say, One-liners, but it's got it's share. Personally I find this type of humor pretty funny so it's fine with me, well, other than the Christian jokes. All in all there were some weak jokes but they can't all be monkey-washing-a-cat funny. I hope that made sense.

The site itself is pretty plainly designed but has some good content such as a nifty feature that let's you rate each comic on a 1 to 5 scale, Forums, and news updated regularly. There are also Land of Nodd tshirts for only 5 bucks, which is a pretty sweet deal if you like to wear cartoon Jesus or Satan in public or while lying around in your boxers watching Family Guy.

If you like gross-out humor you'll like this comic. The archive is pretty small with only 19 comics, and the backgrounds are sparse, but it's a good quick read that'll make you either cringe or laugh depending on if you have a soul or not. And if you don't have a soul well, check out the strips set in Hell. You'll love em!

I give this comic...
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1 comment:

Matthulhu said...

Thanks again for the review... by the way (not to be a pain) but all of my comics are now officially located at rather than Smack Jeeves. :-P