Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Updating vs. Not......

Today I decided to go back and check every single comic I've reviewed from the beginning of this site and check which ones were still updating, and which had fallen by the wayside. Well, what did I find out by doing this? I found out that this is not something a good portion of people take seriously. I get that it's basically a hobby, and to really attempt to make a go of it professionally you have to put your all into it. With that said, out of fifty reviews, the tally is as follows: twenty four webcomics still updating; twenty six not. Wow. They all requested reviews of their "babies". It just shows that other things really can put a strain on your ability to continue a daily, weekly, or even monthly comic. It's no wonder that webcomics still aren't considered a serious medium. But, as I said earlier, it is still basically a hobby to most, and that includes me. I just didn't expect the numbers to be so close. And I ESPECIALLY didn't think that they number of comics NOT updating would be greater than the number of them still updating. A bit of a bummer, but I'll keep on reviewing, and hope that the number of comics that continue the fight increases with time. Onward!


Jason said...

I wonder what the ratio is like if you exclude the comics you've reviewed in the past three months (assuming they started later).

Unknown said...

I'm proud to say we're one of those still going strong!