Monday, April 14, 2008

Todays Review: Gothbunnies...

Comics that involve anthropomorphic characters tend to creep me out a bit, unless they are handled in a certain fashion. I don't like seeing furry sex. It's not something that appeals to me. Where am I going with this? I'm not sure. I guess I'm just saying that a "furry" comic has to be fairly interesting and avoid the stigmas that come with the genre to get my attention, or even a review from this dude. Now, that brings us to todays review...

Gothbunnies(nice title), by Joanne Wojtysiak, concerns a pack of rabbits(Sorrel, Larch, and Dittany) attempting to move into their newly acquired home, a nice big hole, but finding out that it's not that easy when you have sinister monster plants and magic to contend with. Updates come every Wednesday.

The art in Bunnies is nice and detailed black and white goodness. A nice grasp of anatomy is present, even down to the carefully crafted hands. Human hands of course, we're talking walking talking bunnies here. Some pages are more detailed than others, but that's to be expected in any comic. I would love to see what Joanne could do with a town or castle setting, and this comic seems like it would be no trouble to slap a castle in there somewhere. Anyway, nice art, good sense of page layout, very professional work. Moving on.

The story itself starts off pretty slow and laid back, what with a lot of bickering amongst the characters, until a male rabbit named Vetiver pops up. The pacing could have been a bit better, as the comic tended to drag at times, and I honestly wasn't sure what crowd the comic is going for. The comic really has no goth themes, with the closest thing being magic and a bunny that wears a lot of black. Don't worry though, because it's all explained in the "about" section of the site. Also the difficulty in figuring out who is male and female(I had this problem)is explained as well. She thought of everything! Aside from these few problems the comic does get fairly interesting later on involving police, magic spells, water fairies, and all sorts of things. I'm curious as to where the comic will go from here.

Gothbunnies is an interesting specimen. Some will probably check it out based solely on the "goth" in the name, and may be turned off when it's not goth at all. I'm sure though that many will come for that reason and yet stay for the other themes because it is a well done and well thought out comic. Great art and a slow yet solid story that will most likely pay off in the end. Hop over to Gothbunnies(heh) and give it a once over. You just might be in it for the long haul...

I give Gothbunnies...
(Gothbunnies is basically for PG with minor swearing)

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