Saturday, January 19, 2008

Site alterations....

Hey everyone, well, it's Saturday, and what better to do on a rainy Saturday afternoon after getting off work at a place that is suddenly closing it's doors in two weeks(I'm not bitter at all)than to change the "links to comics reviewed" section to a "links to comic reviews" section! Get it? Yeah, instead of linking to the comics sites that have already been reviewed, I think it makes much more sense to link to the reviews themselves, seeing as how I put a link to the comics IN the reviews. This way you don't have to search the entire site for a specific review. Now you can click on the name of the comic and VOILA! You are transported instantly to the review itself. Genius, I say. Honestly, it should have been that way all along. So, in closing, I just started and I'll be changing it over the next few days. I'll let you know when it's finished. Thanks, and keep reading!


Unknown said...

Great idea, man! The front page feels much more streamlined now. Just wondering... where am I in your review queue now? I've almost made 250 strips and I'm still going strong!

Unknown said...

To be honest, I don't know what your comic is just by your name, so leave your comics url and I'll give it a looksee.

Unknown said...

You can find me at I'll also shoot you an email in case you forgot me entirely.