Thursday, December 13, 2007

Review of The Day: LowRoad75

LowRoad75, created by Carlos G., has all the gothy stylings of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy mixed with the teen relationship humor of a John Hughes movie. The main characters consist of a goth girl named Natasha with an aversion to R and B music, a demon inhabiting a stuffed pig named Doom Piggy, and a nerd with a crush on Natasha named Eugene. Updated...wait. It's been on idefinite hiatus since August. And here I already have the review written. Ragh! Well, I'll go ahead and give it a short review anyway, because it's the one I had ready for today. Sorry about this....

The art for Lowroad went quickly from ok to really good. Nice shading effects mixed with the sepia tone the comic has is really different from the b&w and color we usually get, and I liked it for that reason. The chibi-esque style the characters are drawn in isn't overly annoying, even though I don't really care for the anime style for the most part. The pages are layed out pretty professionaly, and aren't hard for the eye to follow at all, as with some comics which are sloppily put together.

The comic starts out introducing Doom Piggy, which I thought would play a bigger part in the comic than he turns out to, as he simply fades into the background after a while. Natasha is the most interesting as she is goth without being too pretentious or being completely holier than thou, but she still doesn't like the trappings of mainstream society. The writers interest in large breasts is all too apparent as a lot of jokes center around this issue, which gets a bit creepy after a while, unless you're into that sorta thing too. The comic as a whole hasn't decided whether or not it's a humor story comic or a straight forward gag comic yet. I would like to see it move more toward story with humor though, as I see a lot of potential in the characters, and would like to see where the Eugene/Natasha romance could lead. Pretty well written so far.

LowRoad75 is a decent goth comic with good characters, great art, and not bad writing. It could use a good sense of where it's headed, but otherwise I would give it a read if I were you. As of this writing, and I mentioned it above, it's in hiatus, but I would like to see it continue. Check it out and let Carlos know that it's worth being resurrected.

I give LowRoad75...
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(This comic should be considered pretty adult by the language and sometimes overt
sexual nature of the jokes.)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Back from the half dead!

Hi all, just wanted to let you know I haven't decided to shut down the site or anything. The fact is I've been so sick for the past week that I haven't had the energy to even get online, much less do reviews or interviews and the like. My girlfriend and her son are also sick(we were at the hospital till 4 in the morning two nights ago for him), and we've both missed a couple days of work. I promise to have a new review up tomorrow, and get back into the swing of things. Keep the contest entries coming in too, because it's going to be really interesting to see who wins! Thanks for the support!!!!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Webcomic Beacon: New venture coming soon!

Hi all, just stopping in to inform you of a new podcast coming your way soon called The Webcomic Beacon, created by Fesworks of P.S.I. and Two Cents In 60 Seconds fame. This site will feature a weekly podcast about webcomics for amateurs, by amateurs. Joining Fesworks will be his cohost Tanya Higgins of the charming BetaPwned and Wednesday Webcomic Weview, and I will hopefully be playing some small part as well. The estimated day of arrival for the first podcast is Dec. 7th, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for podcast goodness!

Contest recap!

Hey everyone, Jack here letting you know that I've received a few entries into the create a comic from just a title contest, and they're looking good! You have all the time in the world(well, until the 24th of Dec.)to enter, so check out the contest by scrolling down and enter ENTER ENTER!!!!! Flex those creative muscles, and win a prize to boot!